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Be Encouraged!

This past Sunday, Matt shared a comment that had been attached to the Ministry Insight Tool (MIT) survey. It went something like this, “We're not waiting for the new pastor to come and fix us. We’re waiting for him to come and join us on our journey with Jesus.”

This comment is a good picture of the condition of LTCC as we search for our new pastor. We are a body whose head is Jesus Christ, a body that is led by our elders and a body served by our deacons.

In 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, Paul compares the church to the human body with the individual parts working together for the good of the whole body. So how are our individual parts doing and how are they contributing to the overall health of the church? Here are just a few examples:

This year, 23 people have made the decision to join LTCC now as new members rather than wait for the new pastor.

The Men's Ministry just completed a great annual retreat with over 40 men who participated, and last week nearly 45 turned out for breakfast.

Multiple people have stepped forward to fill the hospitality vacancy and two people have stepped forward to fill open positions on the Council.

The Pastoral Search Team, that meets each week, is winding up the preparation of the documents that define who we are and the description of the Lead Pastor position.

I think it's clear from these few examples that we all can be encouraged that that LTCC is alive and well and is eagerly waiting for our new pastor!