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Pause and Pray

Dear LTCC Family,

Thank you for your supportive responses to our mid-week update. It’s been an encouragement and has helped confirm that this is a time to pause and pray together as a church body.

As a reminder, this Sunday we will have a visiting speaker behind the pulpit for our morning worship services. Tim Henle is a staff pastor at a VM church in the Everett area and has made himself available to minister to us through God’s word as we wait on God and His word. This Sunday, the 20th, service times will be as usual at 9 and 11 a.m.

Starting the following Sunday, November 27th, while continuing to have preachers associated with Village Missions taking our pulpit, we will shift to a single service which will start at 10 a.m. Going to a single worship service will not only allow us to be together physically but also allow time for us to do something else together – pray before the service. One of our core values at LTCC over the decades has been that “Nothing of eternal significance is accomplished apart from prayer.” The witness of the bride of Christ has eternal significance; to contend for her in prayer would seem not only seem appropriate but necessary. Thus, starting on the 27th, all are invited each week to gather in the sanctuary at 9:15 a.m., before the worship service, for a time of prayer together.

We know that since last Sunday night’s meeting the conversations have continued -- the “why’s?”, the “how’s?” and the “can’t we just . . .?” That the dynamics are as complex as they are heartbreaking is understood. That the need to trust in the Head of our church, the Lord Jesus Christ, is abundantly clear. With things that don’t make sense, we’re reminded of the divine wisdom conveyed in Proverbs:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Do we understand all that’s going on? No, but we’re not to lean on our understanding. What we are to do is trust and lean on Jesus. We are to acknowledge Him as our Head, and rest in His promise that He will make the way forward clear.

Trusting Him with All Our Hearts

The elders