We believe the church is to be ruled by Jesus, led by elders, served by deacons, and accountable to the congregation. Thus, the members of Lake Tapps Community Church have, before God, the ultimate responsibility for who is called to lead our congregation. Members of LTCC are to prayerfully prepare and carefully discern whether or not to affirm those in leadership: our Elders, those who serve by leading, and our deacons on the Church Council who are the men and women who lead by serving. Our hope is that the following resources will help to that end.
The Elders & Church Council
of Lake Tapps Community Church
Our annual affirmation process is a practical way for us at LTCC to remember, recognize, and renew our followership of those God has called to lead.
Regular affirmation of those in leadership:
Jesus is the head of the church (Eph. 1:22, Eph. 5:23, Col. 1:18) — our church. As such, through His word He sets our direction and, through His Spirit He exercises His authority. While Jesus is the Ruler of the church, as with any gathered body of people, the church must be led. To that end, the Chief Shepherd, Jesus, has through His inspired word, ordained that His people be led by under-shepherds, referred to in the Scriptures as elders, who are to shepherd (or, pastor) the church through exercising oversight over the congregation (1Peter 5:1-4).
To assist elders in their responsibilities as shepherds of the flock, Christ also calls men and women to the role of deacon to minister to and care for the flock.
We believe that Jesus has given each member a role in leading His church.
While we believe that elders are accountable to keep watch over the souls of the flock (Heb. 13:17), and that deacons minister to help meet the practical needs of the flock, we also believe that the flock, the members of a local church, are ultimately accountable for the fruit and faithfulness of the church.
Those who lead the local church derive their authority both from Jesus Christ (who alone governs His church) and from the congregation (which holds both elders and deacons accountable for their actions) The congregation recognizes those God has raised up to lead and serve the church, while elders and deacons honor the congregation by stewarding the leadership with trust and faithful integrity.
Concerning elders, the local body of Christ is encouraged to recognize those who are over them in the Lord and to esteem them highly (1Thess. 5:12-13). Those who “direct the affairs of the church well” are worthy of honor and especially those whose primary work is preaching and teaching (1Tim. 5:17). **_Christians are to “remember their leaders” and submit to their leadership_** (Heb. 13:7, 17).
Concerning deacons, the model of Acts 6 indicates those who served the church were recognized by the whole gathering as those among them who were “known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:3-5).
+ how does the process work?
Every November, the congregation is formally asked to prayerfully prepare to affirm those currently in leadership, as well as affirm any new leaders recommended to serve as elders or as deacons on the Church Council.
As part of preparing for the affirmation vote at the annual members meeting in January, we ask that any concerns about those in leadership, or recommended for leadership, be addressed prior to that meeting.
In the spirit of Matthew 18:15-16, if there is a concern with an elder, a deacon, or a recommended new leader, we encourage you, if possible, to speak personally to the individual. If you are uncomfortable with a direct discussion or uncertain how to proceed, please contact one of the elders to discuss the matter further. (In light of 1 Timothy 5:19, an accusation made against a church leader will be taken seriously and appropriately investigated.)
The primary purpose of the affirmation process is to thoughtfully, prayerfully, and intentionally affirm those the congregation believes God has called to lead and serve the flock at LTCC. All feedback is welcome as part of this process.
+ how should i engage in the process as a member of LTCC?
Although it is those who are formal members who will be asked to vote at the January Members Meeting, whether you have formally committed to the LTCC church family through our membership covenant, or you simply care for LTCC because you consider it your spiritual home, we encourage you to Learn, Pray, Engage and Respond.
Who are your current and proposed Elders and Deacons?
What does your Bible say about church leadership?
Elders: Acts 14:21-23; Acts 20:17-31; 1Timothy 3:1-7, 5:17-19; Titus 1:5-9; Hebrews 13:7, 17; James 5:14; 1Peter 5:1-5
Deacons: Acts 6:1-6; Romans 16:1-2; Philippians 1:1; 1Timothy 3:8-13
Check out these short videos concerning Elders and Deacons:
Who Are Elders and What Do They Do? — Village Church (5 min.)
What’s the Difference Between Elders and Deacons? — The Gospel Coalition (2.5 min.)
Read more about church members and their leaders:
A Mark of a Healthy Church Member: Follows Leadership — 9 Marks
What is the Relationship Between the Elders and the Church — 9 Marks
Church Members Must Keep an Eye on Their Elders — The Gospel Coalition
Deacons — The Gospel Coalition
The Blessing of Good Elders — Written for Our Instruction
Listen to sermons:
Elders: Servant Leaders of the Church (45 min.) - Sermon by David Platt
Deacons: Leading Servants in the Church (55 min.) - Sermon by David Platt
2015 LTCC teaching on Elders (48 min.) and Deacons (50 min.)
For wisdom and discernment;
For unity within the church as well as open and honest communication;
For our church and for our leaders.
Nine Ways to Pray For Church Leaders - Chuck Lawless
Connect with an elder or Church Council member.
Ask an elder or deacon to coffee. Ask questions. Give encouragement.
In the spirit of Matthew 18:15, contact an elder or deacon in order to resolve any misunderstandings, hurt feelings or conflict you may share. Be a part of building trust and unity by addressing any issues you feel are important for leadership to resolve with you.
Communicate your interest, engagement and understanding in regards to the affirmation process.
Attend the annual members meeting in January, with questions answered, and ready to affirm your leaders.