We are so glad you’ve found the website of Lake Tapps Community Church, aka LTCC! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We are a family growing together, committed to honoring God by introducing people to Jesus Christ, helping you grow in the faith, and equipping you to reach others.
Please take some time to learn about the ministries we offer (under the Get Involved tab) and join us for a worship service to see what Lake Tapps Community Church is all about! When you’re ready, we’d love to connect with you!
Dress comfortably. You’ll find that wardrobe choices can range anywhere from shorts and sandals to business casual.
SUNDAY SERVICE FLOW (~1 hour 15 Minutes):
WELCOME: announcements regarding church events, celebrations, and matters of interest
MISSIONARY SPOTLIGHT: missions are a big part of LTCC. we highlight one missionary couple to pray for weekly.
CALL TO WORSHIP & ONE SONG: scriptures are read to bring our hearts into worship
PRAYER: lead by the pastor, our congregation prays silently or out loud for current church needs and praises
WORSHIP: 3 songs praising God and proclaiming Jesus Christ as our risen King and Savior
SCRIPTURE READING: the Word of God is read aloud after which children are released for children’s church
SERMON: our pastors preach gospel-centered sermons, teaching from the Bible and making application to our lives.
COMMUNION: we remember what Jesus has done for us by eating the bread, and drinking from the cup
CLOSING WORSHIP: we respond in a song of praise
This 3 Circles video is the Gospel message in visual form; the truth of how Jesus saves us from our brokenness when we make Him the King of our lives!
If you’d like to learn more about Jesus and His hope for all who follow Him, please reach out!
Our Location
17017 Forest Canyon Rd E
Lake Tapps, WA 98391
United States
Church Service Schedule - 9:15am prayer time | 10am worship service | Livestream
Nursery & Children’s Church at all in person services!