*** september, october, november ***

Thank you for your willingness to serve on Sunday mornings. PLEASE USE THE FORM BELOW TO:

  1. Confirm the roles you ARE willing to serve in

  2. The service(s) you are PREFER TO SERVE DURING

  3. The Sundays you ARE NOT available to serve


As a reminder, here are are the roles we need for each service on a Sunday morning.

On Sunday mornings we need help with:

  • SECURITY — folks to keep an eye on the outside of the building during the service while everyone else is inside.

  • GREETING — we want people in the foyer before each service to engage visitors, and to welcome everyone.

  • USHERING — help continue to present that “family feel”, and help maximize our seating capacity, by directing people to open seats

  • SCRIPTURE READING — we need strong voices to read the Scriptures after we’ve worshiped in song.

  • CHILDREN’S CHURCH — let us know if you are able and willing to teach our kids or if are able and willing to help as an assistant

  • AUDIO/VISUAL — we’re always looking for folks who can help with running the sound, the livestreaming, and the lyrics during the service.

  • LEADING OUR CHURCH FAMILY IN WORSHIP — if you’re able and willing to lead the congregation in our sacrifice of praise by playing an instrument or singing, let us know.