Evan & Kathryn Burton | E3 PARTNERS
Email: evan.burton@e3partners.org
Evan and Kathryn Burton with Conor, Hansel, Ander and Aksel .
Evan and Kathryn were first introduced to #NoPlaceLeft and Church Planting Movements while Kathryn was working for e3 Partners in their HR department in Texas. It was during that time that they attended a Church Planting Training that led them to start seeking full time ministry. After arriving in Washington to be LTCC’s Youth Ministries Leader, their heart for the Seattle area began to grow. As they started to use some of the tools and principles that they had learned through e3 with our youth, they felt the Lord lead Evan to join e3 Partners as the Strategy Coordinator for Seattle Metro. They have since moved to the Portland/Vancouver area and are serving there with the vision to make disciples, plant churches, and raise up leaders to do the same, until there’s #NoPlaceLeft.
For current updates, sign up for their newsletter here.
What was your very first connection to LTCC?
Evan came to us and began his ministry as Youth Pastor in 2017!
How is God moving in your ministry?
Evan and Kathryn began a church in their home and several neighbors attend. (They are celebrating 4 new house churches in their area in 2025.)
What is the strangest food you have eaten on the mission field?
Being their mission field is the Pacific Northwest you might not expect much in the way of strange food, but the Burtons live among 5-10,000 Indian Sheikh people in the Seattle area (200,000 in BC). Evan is beginning to try Sheikh desserts, a combination of cardamom, sugar, ghee and powdery cheese. (Sheikh desserts)
How can we be praying for you?
Please pray for discernment as they are presented with many opportunities for training and travel.
Please pray for their family of six, their health and their schedule.
Be looking forward to a new way to support their ministry with matching funds!
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aPRIL 2024
When our family moved to Washington in 2017 Evan accepted a role as a youth pastor at LTCC. We love our LTCC family and the support you have been to us. God began to break our hearts for the region as we encountered the unique lostness that exists in the Pacific Northwest. We joined e3 Partners to equip believers to make disciples across Washington. Since then, God has expanded our vision to include the Pacific Northwest as a region as we have contributed towards disciple making efforts in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Alaska.
We have been serving with e3 part-time. With all that God has set before us, we believe it’s time that we raise enough support to be full-time. In order to do that, we are seeking church partnerships in the form of monthly financial support, prayer support, and opportunities to present to church members in order to find individual supporters. We greatly appreciate your consideration as we seek to see “No Place Left” in the PNW for the gospel to go.
We have currently moved out of our house in West Seattle and are in Texas to visit family and connect with our supporting churches and individuals in that area. We will be returning in June and with the Lord’s leading will be moving to Vancouver, WA to partner with others who have the same vision.
Please pray that God would provide the needed support to continue this important work God has put on our hearts.
That we are able to raise $2000 in monthly support by June.
A rental house in our budget that fits our family.
Safe travels for Evan, Hansel, and Conor when they drive back to WA. Praise - God provided a 2nd vehicle while we have been in Texas!
For wisdom in the decisions that have to be made as we look towards returning to Washington.
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Happy New Year LTCC! As we reflect on 2023, we are thankful for all that God has done for us and for Seattle. We are thankful for our new healthy son, Aksel! We are looking forward with hope and expectancy in 2024.
A couple of things headed our way:
Continued partnership with local churches through training and outreach
A church start in Tacoma
E3 summit and USA training in Dallas
Potentially welcoming another e3 couple to the Seattle team! The Hernandez’s from the California network are coming for a vision trip in February. Please pray for God’s guidance for them as they consider moving to join our team here!
We are excited for all that God has ahead of us in 2024. In order to do all that we believe God has for us, we are still pursuing full-time funding. Our current need is $2000 in monthly support. Please pray for Gods provision for this year. We greatly appreciate your prayer and support!
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Hey LTCC Family! We are so thankful for your continued prayer and support. This summer as been a busy one.
Kathryn has been working for a florist in Seattle and I picked up some graphic design projects to bridge the gap in our support. We are also preparing for baby boy #4 due to arrive at the beginning of December. Hansel and Conor will attend West Seattle Elementary soon. Please pray for all the family transitions headed our way this fall!
We have continued to invest in relationships with our neighbors. One family of existing believers has re-communicated a desire for a bible study in our neighborhood. Please pray for this to start soon!
I have had the opportunity to come alongside Canyon Hills Community Church this summer. We are modeling evangelism for residents who are preparing for overseas missions, helping to strategize and launch missional community groups, and have been asked to lead a Gospel Conversations Training on October 14th for 100+ members of their congregation. We have asked laborers from Idaho and LA to help us with this large training. Please pray for fruitful equipping and safe travels for all involved!
We are also excited to announce that we will be presenting a breakout session at Missions Fest Seattle on November 4th. Come join us and many other presenters as we consider what it will take to “complete the task” of reaching every people and place!
Needs/Prayer Requests:
We are still in need of monthly financial support so that we may give more of our time to the mission. Please consider joining our monthly support team.
Between the trainings and “tent making”, we have realized our need for a second vehicle. Please consider donating towards the purchase of a vehicle or relaying any opportunities to purchase a used vehicle that you may know of.
Again, thank you so much for the prayer and support for our family and mission.
Evan, Kathryn, Hansel, Conor, and Ander