SERGIO AND ALEJANDRA HERRERA | International partnership ministries
For over 25 years, the goal of International Partnership Ministries (IPM) has been to promote the concept of “partnership” between missions and churches inside the United States with indigenous missions and churches outside the United States. Not only do they strive to be a mission-sending agency, but they also work to strengthen indigenous ministries through finances, needed equipment, and technical support. LTCC’s first connection with Sergio was through Emilie Poor (nee Hubeek) when she went on a missions trip to Mexico. Sergio then came to Seattle in 1999 and spoke at LTCC. Since then LTCC has wanted to support his heart for evangelism and church planting wherever God has led him.
— Updates —
February 2025
What was your very first connection to LTCC.
LTCC’s first connection with Sergio was through Emilie Poor (nee Hubeek) when she went on a mission’s trip to Mexico with Seattle Christian School. Sergio then came to Seattle in 1999 and spoke at LTCC through a translator. Since then, LTCC has supported his heart for evangelism and church planting wherever God has led him. Sergio was originally from Chili. He served in Cuernavaca, Mexico many years and planted a church. He and his family now do ministry in Puebla, Mexico.
What is the strangest food you have eaten on the missions field?
Sergio didn’t answer this question, but one year when Ron and Fran Hubeek went on a vision trip for a possible trip to Cuernavaca, they found that dried grasshoppers was a real treat for many and there were baskets and baskets full of them in the markets.
How can we be praying for you?
Pray for Sergio’s next trip to Cuba March 17-21. For health, safety and the funds needed to do the projects and many needs of the ministry there.
Continue to pray for strength and good health to do the ministry God has called them to in Cuernavaca. Sergio is 74 and his wife Alejandra has limited mobility, but there is much work to do.
For finances to buy a truck. Of the $15,000 needed, $3550 has been given.
1. How is God moving in your ministry/what can we celebrate with you?
The work here in Mexico has been taking hold little by little. Two young people received Christ two Sundays ago, and this Monday and a whole new family did too. Our daughters, thank God, are all in very good health and working hard in the ministry with their husbands. Our son, Joel, is with us, and he is in charge of the worship in the church here. My wife meets with the sisters of the church on Fridays. I continue to share special classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, and on Saturdays, I share the Gospel of John in person. We continue to move the work forward for the glory of God.
2. What is your greatest need? Anything specific?
I (Sergio) will be traveling to Cuba during the first week of October of this year. My daughter will also be traveling with me to take pictures and take care of her old dad. We will be traveling to many areas throughout Cuba that are several hours away visiting and encouraging pastors and churches. I will also be participating in a conference, were there will be some pastors from Havana and other locations. There are many needs in Cuba. For this trip to be successful, I need your prayers. There are also many financial needs for this trip. Through your help, I hope to bring 75 kilos of clothing, toothpaste, and toothbrushes and buy three bicycles to give to the missionaries. Each bicycle costs about $350.
3. What is a fun fact or unique incident that we probably don’t know about you?
Sergio has been to Cuba many times working with the faithful Pastors there and bringing them basic necessities. He has been doing this for almost 20 years.
4. How can we be praying for you?
Please pray for safety and that we would be an encouragement to the people and pastors in Cuba.
It has been more than 5 months since my wife had surgery on her hips. By the grace of God, she has been able to walk without a walker for the past month. Currently, her arms have only 60% mobility due to her arthritis.
We recently purchased a van to transport the brothers every Sunday to and from their homes. There are two families that live in very difficult neighborhoods. Currently, we have raised about $3,500, and we still need about $11,500 to pay off this vehicle. Please pray that this additional money will come in. We are confident that this van will be a blessing for the work. My wife thanks you because it will also be a blessing for her.
APRIL 2024
Greetings, my dear brothers and sisters at LTCC,
As always, we are very grateful to the Lord for each one of you. We hope that our good God is blessing you in a special way. Without a doubt, these days we need God's care in the midst of so many difficulties that we are experiencing.
Our desire is that our God will bless you, and keep you; that Jehovah will make his face to shine upon you, and have mercy on you; that Jehovah will lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
After my wife Alejandra had her operation on both hips, she unfortunately needed an additional surgery on February 15, because she fractured her femur on the left side. Currently, as recommended by the doctor, she should not walk for a month, avoiding impact shocks when walking. They have been very long days for her.
Please pray for the additional $5,976.50 that we need to pay off my wife's first surgery. Thank you to all who have already given to this need.
My daughters asked for early vacations to help me take care of their mother. They both came from Guatemala, one in January, (Sharon), and the other, (Priscilla), has been with us since February 14. She has now returned to Guatemala where she serves the Lord in a church with her husband. The good thing is that our son Joel has been a very good help in transporting his mother from the house to the hospital and to medical appointments, carrying her and sitting her in her wheelchair.
Lately, we have suffered from several very sick people in our ministry and one brother lost his job. With Alejandra’s illness and all that is happening in our church it is a challenge.
There are many abandoned young mothers here in Mexico. It is an evil that is growing in our current society. As children of God, we must face this with great affection to be able to support them and their children.
Thank the Lord, on Monday, I continue teaching theology. It has, at the same time, been very edifying to teach the book of Hebrews on Tuesdays.
We thank God for each one of you. Thank you very much for joining us on our long missionary journey, 25 years in Mexico and 13 years in Chile.
Your Missionaries for Him
Sergio and Alejandra
For my wife's recovery, so that she can walk without problems.
For God's provision to pay off my wife's surgeries.
For our good God to add complete families to our small congregation.
For our son, Joel. May God provide him with a good job and a wife who loves the Lord.
For strength to do the work God has given us to do here in Mexico.
As always, we thank the Lord for each of you. Thank you for your love and faithfulness in praying for us. Thank you, also, for praying for our daughters. Priscilla and Sharon, together with their husbands, serve in Guatemala in a church of about 400 people. Our daughter, Johana, and her husband are building a church in Costa Rica. It can be difficult for the sons and daughters of missionaries to follow the paths of their parents, due to so many challenges that one experiences as a missionary. We thank the Lord very much for our children, along with their spouses and their heart for missions.
We have recently had many very difficult situations in our ministry. One difficulty is that they raised the rent of the property that we rent.
We are in the process of helping a family who lives outside of Puebla with housing because they received serious threats toward their family.
In September, I preached at the funeral of a sister named Chayito. At the funeral service, I had the opportunity to preach the gospel to her entire family, about 40 people.
Despite too many hardships to recount, the work continues. At least 7 people have been added to the church this year. We praise the Lord for this.
Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
Current Situation of my wife Alejandra:
Alejandra stopped walking more than a month ago and her arms work at 30%, it is very sad to see. She will have to have another operation this month on both of her hips.
Alejandra says, this year has been very difficult for me due to the Degenerative Arthritis. There are days when the pain is very acute. God knows that I only hope in Him, for waiting on His timely help. God has helped me in my illness through your prayers and generosity every time I have had to have surgery. I am very, very grateful to all of you. Please pray for me, that my faith never falters in the midst of pain and my limitations, which affect me emotionally. I have been His missionary for 43 years.
In order for the surgery to be performed in a few weeks the rheumatoid factor must be lowered, because it is very high. She is taking 5 medications for a month before they will confirm the date for the surgery.
Prayer requests:
Please pray that Alejandra will be able to have the necessary surgery in a few weeks and for her physical and emotional health. Also, for the rest of the family as we walk through this with her.
The cost of the surgery is $12,500. Please pray God will provide the rest of the money needed.
Pray that God will provide the funding necessary for the increase in rent on the property where we are meeting.
Pray that we will find and be able to purchase land to establish the work here.
Please continue to pray for the work that our daughters and their husband are doing in Costa Rica and Guatemala.
Pray for wisdom and the funds necessary to help the family who needs to relocate.
JUNE 2023
My wife's health continues to have problems to the point that it is very difficult for her to climb stairs. The location of the church is currently on the second floor of a building. Because of this, we must move the place where we meet as a church. Please pray that God will provide us with about $600/month for the rent of a new space. It is not easy for us to change; it’s like starting over. It is an urgent need so that the work can establish itself well and grow.
By the grace of God, the work continues. We have had beautiful meetings and good classes, ensuring that the brothers and sisters in Christ mature and become experts in the knowledge of the truth.
In addition to having to move the church building, we had to move out of our 2-story home. We are praising the Lord that we were able to find a one-story house, because in Puebla it is difficult to find such places, but the rent is more expensive. Please pray for God’s provision for the increase.
The other thing that worries us a lot is that one of our daughters, after 4 years of marriage, has not been able to have children. Please pray for comfort and peace and that God will provide them with a child in His timing.
Please pray:
Please pray God provides us with a good place to rent for the church and offerings to help us with the rent. Also, for the increase in rent for our house.
For my wife, that the Lord in his mercy will provide for her medications and therapies.
Please, I ask you to pray for my daughter and my wife. Their situations break my heart. It is an emotional weight that does not leave. I know that I must rest in the Lord.
Pray that the Lord gives me strength in this demanding work.
Thank you, for bearing our personal and work needs with us. Your partnership continues to be a comfort and blessing to us.
We always thank our heavenly Father for all of you. You have been very good to your missionaries serving in Mexico. We were able to travel to Guatemala for Christmas and New Year. Two of our daughters are serving the Lord there with their husbands. We thank you for your part in helping us be together as a family.
Please help us pray for:
For the restoration of the health of my wife Alejandra. It is something I pray for day and night.
That God will provide us land to build a church building. We believe it is necessary for the church to grow.
Pray for strength and endurance for us in this stage of our lives working as missionaries. The Lord is adding new families to our church. As is well known, when the work grows, problems grow, but also the blessings.
Pray for my son Joel, that the Lord provides him with a wife who fears God and has a great desire to serve in the work.
Pray for our missionary support, you know that the life of a missionary is based on faith
Thank you very much my brothers and sisters in the Lord. May my God be glorified in everything, knowing that, through Him and for Him, we live, trying to reach another soul for his glory. AND THIS, MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, IS ACCOMPLISHED WITH THE HELP OF ALL OF YOU.
Thank God, all of our daughters and our son are serving the Lord in different ministries. Our daughter, Sharon, was awarded a scholarship to do an online master's degree at the Dallas Texas Theological Seminary. Joel, our son, has been a tremendous help here in Puebla as a Sunday School teacher and a youth minister. Myrle, our youngest daughter, continues working with the ladies of the church. She is a blessing. My wife is also working with the ladies and currently, discipling two young ladies. She also teaches by Zoom, Monday and Tuesday and disciples’ new believers during the week. My wife's health is fairly stable with her arthritis problem, which she has had for about 15 years. But she continues serving in what she can.
Thank the Lord, we had baptisms in May. It was a good moment for the church that we are forming here in Puebla, Mexico.
By the grace of God, on the premises that we rent, we have the blessing of new people giving their lives to Christ. In today's environment it is very difficult for people to give their lives to Christ. We are asking for prayer for God’s help to continue to pay the rent.
Another great challenge is to help newcomers with their transportation. So far, we have about $3,500 to buy a truck. We still need about $11,500.
My wife's health and for all the support she needs
For God to continue adding new souls to the mission
For a piece of land for the church - I think it is very necessary to grow.
For God to provide special offerings to help us with the rent of the premises.
For our next trip to Cuba; May we be a blessing to the brothers by bringing offerings of love to meet part of their needs.
For the funds missing for the truck for the ministry, as we grow, we need it more.
For Brenda and Pablo, new to Christ, a young couple who need to legally formalize their relationship.
For Fernando, a young man who suffered an accident on his motorcycle and has been totally immobilized for nearly a month. He is married with a son.
Thank you, for your faithfulness in supporting us. You have been and are a precious blessing to us.
Your missionaries,
Sergio and Alejandra Herrera
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9
APRIL 2022
Herrera Ministry Update
A great blessing to us is a group of brothers in a town called SAN JOSÉ MIAHUATLAN, a two-hour drive from Puebla, where we live. They are without a pastor, and they contacted us to ask for help. So please, I ask you to pray that God provides us with a truck. We currently have $3,500; we are short $11,500.
Thanks to the Lord, we have already rented a place to continue with the work here in Puebla. Please also pray that God will provide monthly for the rent. We are so grateful that the Lord is keeping us going.
We also need to buy about 50 Bibles. At the beginning, the work requires expenses that are only made once.
We have purchased 20 chairs with the help of our brothers and sisters at LTCC. We hope to buy another 20. They are about $25 each.
Our Family
By the grace of God, my wife has remained stable in her health. I think this is due to her physical therapies. Thank you for praying for her.
My son Joel and daughter Myrle are doing well. They are both studying at the university, and our other daughters are doing well in Guatemala and Costa Rica.
Prayer Requests
For good health for my wife and for myself. May God give us the strength to continue serving Him.
For God's continued provision to meet our needs.
For provision of the remainder of the amount needed for a truck, to use to travel to the brothers of Miahuatlán.
For a special offering for about 20 chairs and for about 50 Bibles.
For God to continue to bless us by using us to bring souls to the feet of Christ.
November 2021
We praise the Lord that in spite of so many limitations, the believers are remaining faithful here. I think it has helped us to have times of sharing God’s Word throughout the week: Bible studies on Mondays and Tuesdays; a special time of prayer on Wednesdays; women’s Bible study on Fridays; and in-person discipleship meetings for new believers on Saturdays.
We count our blessings as we see the Lord answering prayer in the ministry. Families are being restored and 2 men came to Christ through a Bible study that we hold regularly in a brother’s house on Saturdays. We have young people (who are related to families in our church) traveling long distances to attend our church.
In the space where we meet together, we had a special dinner with some of the families from the church. It was something we needed to do in order to encourage the believers. Especially two families who suffered greatly during the pandemic in a way that left them hurting financially.
The property where we currently meet as a church was loaned to us for two years. In March of next year, we will have to look for a new place where we can meet together. We are praying already for God to provide us with land for the church. Here in Puebla, housing and land are both very expensive.
For our family as we are divided between Mexico, Guatemala, and Costa Rica.
For the work we are raising up here in Puebla, Mexico in the midst of the pandemic.
For the spiritual growth of the new believers in our church.
For God to give me a lot of wisdom in studying His Word. After one year, I finished teaching through the gospel of John.
Please pray with us for the Lord’s leading and provision for this growing church.
We continue praying for God to provide funds for our ministry vehicle project. Thank God, we already have $3,500 towards a pickup truck. Please pray with us for the remaining need of $11,500.
JULY, 2021
The church we established 2 years ago in Puebla, by the grace of God, has 38 faithful attendees.
We are thankful for a house with ground-floor bedrooms.
We are currently meeting in person. We also continue to minister via Zoom for several bible studies. The youth meet on Saturdays and have been able to meet in our new home.
We are starting to raise funds to buy a piece of land. Land in Puebla is about twice the cost as it was in Cuernavaca.
We are thanking God we have not contacted Covid as we have maintained contact with believers and met new people. Those around us who were sick are now recovering. We are thankful for those who helped us minister to those families when they needed it most.
Please pray for my wife Alejandra that the Lord will provide, encourage and heal her as she continues to suffer with her health.
Pray that the Lord will take care of my family as we minister in Mexico and that God will encourage us in this. It is difficult to be so far away from the rest of our family.
Pray that the Lord will open the door for my son Joel to obtain a permanent visa.
Pray for the finances to obtain a van needed for ministry.
Pray that Ricardo and his wife, a newly saved couple. Pray that Ricardo will completely forsake the use of drugs.
Pray for a young girl in our church who was attacked and is suffering from her traumatic experience.
February, 2021
Please pray for Sergio’s wife Alejandra. With all of her health problems she must be very careful not to get Covid. Please pray for protection for their family.
They have been helping several families get groceries and three families have needed oxygen due to Covid. They are trying to help buy two tanks of oxygen to help these families. It is very expensive. Please pray for God’s provision for all these needs.
Thank you very much for all your prayers and for supporting us in difficult times. May God bless you!
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Sergio's Story:
Sergio had no religious training. At the age of 22, a north American missionary shared the gospel with him and Sergio responded. God gave him a deep interest in the Bible and a burning desire to reach lost souls for Christ. After finishing seminary in Chile, Sergio helped plant several churches. During that time, he led his future wife, Alejandra, to the Lord. After serving the Lord in Chili for 20 years, God called the Herrera family to leave Chile in 1997 in order to plant churches in Mexico. Sergio and Alejandra have been used of God to plant churches and lead hundreds of people to the Lord, first in Cuernavaca, Mexico and presently in Puebla, Mexico. Sergio has also gone to Cuba many times to encourage pastors and help them in their ministry. Their desire is for God to find them doing His work when Jesus returns.
Prayer requests:
We have a whole family in our congregation with Covid19. Please pray for their recovery and their financial situation.
Pray that God helps and uses us as a church in the times we are living. Our desire is to encourage, visit and share with believers who are in great need financially and spiritually.
Pray that God blesses the programs that as a church we are developing by Zoom.
Pray for humanitarian aid to be received to help many families who have been financially impacted by Covid-19.
Pray God protects us as a missionary family in the midst of the pandemic.
Please continue to pray for Alejandra and her health. At this point her arthritis can only be controlled. We are like the persistent widow praying and asking you to pray with us for God to heal her completely.
Pray for God’s provision for a truck to be used in ministry.