Micah & Laura Myers | Ethnos 360
Email: micah_myers@ntm.org | laura_myers@ntm.org
Micah & Declan, Laura & Addy Myers
Laura Myers (daughter of Steve and Karen Warren) met Micah while at summer camp at Five Mile Lake. Micah’s family had a long tradition of serving with New Tribes Mission (now Ethnos 360) and as Micah and Laura talked about their future together, they felt God was calling them to take the good news of Christ to Papua New Guinea. Ethnos (meaning nations) was founded in 1942 and remains steadfast in its goal of reaching people who have no access to the Gospel. Their focus is to help local churches train, coordinate and send missionaries to these people groups so that they too, can have a thriving church. After years of training with Ethnos 360, Micah and Laura moved to Papua New Guinea in 2019 to start their ministry with the Lembena People.
— Updates —
January 2025
Looking ahead to this next phase of ministry, we will need to build an office as well as a literacy school! These buildings will be a huge benefit for us when we begin Bible translation, lesson writing and literacy. We have already begun milling lumber and ordering supplies for this project!
If you would like to be a part of giving to this project, you can donate to Ethnos360 and designate the gift to the "Lembena Ministry Account".
Sign up for our newsletter for more information about our ministry and if you have more questions about this project or are interested in helping in other ways.
Pray for the Lembena people. Pray that God continues to prepare them for the Gospel, that we can continue to develop deep relationships with them and show the love of God even now.
Praise: We are all healthy and adjusting well to life with a new baby in the middle of the bush.
Pray for our team during this next year as we seek to finish language and culture study and begin preparation for literacy then teaching.
Praise: Our team language evaluation was encouraging and they told us we could be finished with culture and language acquisition very soon.
Pray for Jason and Tami who are on a medical furlough. Pray that they would get answers, that Tami's health would improve and that they can return to Lembena soon.
- In May the team is hoping reach the end of the phase of learning the culture in language.
august 2024
We are currently in Australia waiting for our visa to be approved for the newest member of our family, Colter. Once we get his visa approval, we will head back to PNG and then back to join our team among the Lembena people. It has been a nice quiet time for us here in Cairns Australia. Laura’s mom, Karen, was able to come and help when Colter was born and that was a huge blessing. Micah’s sister, Bethany, has been here the last few weeks helping with the kids as we had to take a trip to Sydney to get Colter’s passport.
Pray for co-workers, the Hughes and Fergusons. They are still in the village continuing to learn language and culture. They did awesome in their recent language evaluation.
Pray that Colter's visa approval will happen soon so that the family can return to Papa New Guinea to re-join their team, and catch up quickly to where their co-workers are at in language and culture study.
MARCH 2024
We are currently in back in the village among the Lembena People of Papua New Guinea, continuing to learn their language and culture. Our days consist of going to the garden with our language and culture helpers, homeschooling kids, cooking over the fire, trying to tell stories in the language, and working through longer texts to understand how the language works. Laura is 5 months pregnant and we are trying to get everything figured out to be able to go to Australia to have the baby.
Prayer Requests for the Myers:
Pray for endurance and wisdom as we learn the difficult language and continue to build relationships among the people.
Pray for transportation in PNG as there is currently a fuel shortage which is affecting the flight program of our organization.
Pray for all the pieces to come together for us to leave the country in May to have baby #3!
In His Strength Alone,
Micah Myers
Cell: 360.525.4281
Micah and Laura are in Washington on home assignment until January living in the LTCC parsonage. They were sent from LTCC in 2019 and have been serving in Papua New Guinea. Micah will be speaking at our Missions Emphasis Weekend on Friday night, at the men's breakfast on Saturday morning and again on Sunday. Laura will also be speaking to the ladies on Saturday morning and leading the kids’ program on Friday night. Come and hear how God is working in and through them with the Lembena people in Papua New Guinea!
Prayer requests from the Myers:
Pray for our team still in Lembena and learning the language. Our team has a language evaluation coming up on the 1st of November.
Pray that they have made great progress in language and culture and that people would be eager to continue helping us learn
Pray that our paperwork would be approved in time for us to make our target return date of early January
Pray for our home assignment to be a time of refreshing and recharging for our next stage of ministry when we return in January
Pray for clan fighting around our village in Lembena and that it calms down and does not come to our village
APRIL 2023
We are doing well in Lembena. There have been a lot of events (deaths, courts, religious gatherings, weddings) in our village the past several weeks and therefore our village has been full of people, keeping us very busy. When outsiders come along, they always bring with them various requests/questions/demands for us that can easily suck up a majority of our time. We have to remind ourselves that yes, we are here to show the people the love of Jesus and if we can help with small things, including providing for some physical needs, we often should, but the biggest thing we can do for the Lembena people is to spend time learning their language so that we can ultimately share the most important truth of the gospel with them. Their spiritual need for a Savior trumps their small, physical “needs” (fixing broken electronics or typing/printing letters or giving lighters/nails/string or helping build houses, etc.,) and often we can get so distracted by wanting to help them that we can put language on the back burner.
We would love prayer for wisdom in this area of wanting to show love through providing for some of their present/physical needs, but realizing that our primary, most important job right now is learning the Lembena language and that is ultimately the best way that we can help them now.
We would also appreciate prayer for wisdom and grace in parenting, and faithfulness in taking the time to point our kids to the Lord in times where it is not convenient or easy.
Micah & Laura Myers
Here are some things you can be praying for!
We are doing well in here. It is the middle of rainy season and we've had an outbreak of malaria in our area. We have had several deaths in our community and lots of people coming for medicine. There was a little 3 year old girl who was very sick with malaria and brought to our village a few weeks ago. They had hiked for days and had been to several other villages trying to get medicine. By the time they got here it was too late and she passed away shortly after getting here.She was the granddaughter of a good friend of mine. That was hard. Be praying that the aid post here has the medicine it needs and for this outbreak to be over soon.
Pray that we would be faithful in language and culture study, we are making progress and some days are more encouraging than others. We still have a lot of language left to learn before we are fluent enough to communicate the most important message they will ever hear. Pray that we will be living out the Gospel now even before we can communicate it with words, that anticipation would be building for the Gospel and that people will be motivated to help us learn.
Pray for continued unity among our team as we live in a stressful environment where our teammates are the only other members of the body of Christ that we can have fellowship with. Pray that we would strengthen and encourage each other in this work.
There is a huge need right now for a full time Doctor to join our organization and help support all the missionaries that are serving in Papua New Guinea. Pray that God would raise up someone to fill this need.
In His Strength,
Micah and Laura Myers
JULY 2022
At the time of this message, we are in our break in Wewak and will head back into our village on Tuesday, July 19. Our coworkers, the Hughes, get back from their home assignment in the States next month and we are really looking forward to them being back.
We are hoping to schedule a language evaluation in the next couple months on our culture and language learning.
Please be praying that we are able to get this scheduled and that we can get an accurate picture of where we are in the language learning process and some good insight into where to go from here.
We can't wait until we can communicate clearly with our people and share with them the truth of God's Word. We are trusting in God's timing and know that there is no shortcut in learning the language and culture of the Lembena people.
Thanks for reaching out and checking in. We appreciate you!
In His Strength,
Micah and Laura
PS - For a more extensive update, please see our recent newsletter.
March 2022
We are incredibly blessed to have the Hughes and the Ferguson families to work alongside; encouraging us when we’ve had a rough day, helping us figure out why languages do such weird things and reminding us that the reason we are here is to tell the people about God’s love for them.
While it is hard living in the middle of the bush, we have enjoyed getting to know our neighbors and learning more about their culture. It has been good spending lots of time with our people, although the more time we spend with them the more we begin to understand about their culture, the more we realize their need for the Savior.
Our people have taken what little they have heard about God (rules) and blended that with their ancestral animistic beliefs and the result is a twisted and false gospel. Instead of bringing hope, it has brought hopelessness. Pray that God will help them be patient and give us strength and endurance to learn this language quickly so they might hear the truth about God.
We recently had a language evaluation and were very encouraged about the progress we have been making! Pray that we will be able to put into practice the advice we have been given.
Pray for our people; that their hearts would be prepared, that they would be motivated to help us learn and that they would be patient with us.
Pray for our teammates, the Hughes, that while they are in America they would have an encouraging time with friends and family and return refreshed and motivated to continue the hard work of language learning.
Pray for us to balance our time well. Time spent with the people, time with our family and that we would be faithful in raising our kids to honor and glorify God.
Pray that we would be living out the Gospel now even before we can communicate with words and that we would be building anticipation for when we get to share the true Gospel with them.
In His Strength and Power Alone,
Micah, Laura, Adalia and Declan
Prayer REquests
Their coworkers are leaving Papua New Guinea at the end of October for a 9 month home assignment. They will be greatly missed. Pray for safe travels for them and a rejuvenating and restful time in the US. And pray for Micah and Laura as they adjust to life without them.
They are still in the beginning stages of culture and language learning and ask for prayer for endurance and strength each day in order to see this to completion.
Please pray that they can live out the gospel now by example and that God would prepare the hearts of the people for when they can communicate the gospel more clearly with them.
Pray for the love, peace, and patience of the Lord to be present in their interactions and relationships with their friends in the village.
Pray that they can still be invested in their marriage and parenting their children in this context and not be so invested in their ministry that they neglect these things.
They are thankful for the prayers!
June, 2021
May 25, 2021
Dear Church Family
We are doing very well over here in PNG! It is now Wednesday afternoon and tomorrow morning we fly back into our village! Just a logistical note, once we get into our village we wont be able to access our Gmail accounts so communicating through our ntm.org email will work best!
As far as an update goes, we finished up our two week quarantine after arriving in country and after surviving our trip around the world. Declan and Addy did amazing on our trip and it went smoothly from start to finish, though we arrived exhausted and ready for a rest. We will fly back into our village among the Lembena people on May 27th and are so excited to be reunited with our team and with village friends. It has been almost 8 months since we left them and we cannot wait for them to meet Declan, the newest member of our team. The first week or two back will be getting readjusted to life in the bush, catching up with our team and getting back into the routine of language and culture learning. Our team has been faithfully studying and learning the Lembena language while we have been gone and we are excited to see and hear all that they have learned and hopefully be able to learn a lot from them. We hope to remain in the village for the next six months before coming out to town for a short break.
Please pray for us as we transition back to life in the village and as we seek to balance time learning language and time with now two kids.
Pray for us to be able to learn the language quickly and put in the hours needed to do so.
Pray for endurance and for the Holy Spirit to be preparing hearts for our coming teaching even though we do not speak the language yet.
Pray for wisdom in our interactions with the "Prophet" who is the spiritual leader and most influential person in our people group and whose teaching is radically opposed to ours.
Pray for grace in dealing with the people and that we would love them well.
December, 2020
Micah and Laura Myers and their daughter, Addie, are serving with Ethnos360 in Papua New Guinea. The goal of Ethnos360 is to reach people who have no access to the Gospel. Their focus is to help local churches train, coordinate and send missionaries to these people groups so that they too, can have a thriving church. Micah and Laura moved to Papua New Guinea in 2019 to start their ministry. They are working with the Lembena people. They returned home from Papua New Guinea in October as they awaited the birth of their baby boy.
Their baby boy, “Declan” was born Wednesday, Dec 30th!! He weighs 8lbs 6oz! Both Laura and Declan are doing great! Big sister Addie is anxious to meet her baby brother! Congratulations to the Myers family!!
Praise that their support has increased slightly (from 80% to 90%) since they have been home on leave. However, with the birth of Declan, their financial support needs also increase.
Praise that the lawn mower was delivered to the people and they are thrilled, as they have had to clear the airstrip by hand.
Prayer Requests:
Continue to pray for the Lembena people to be open to the Gospel and that there will be less jealousy and competition between the people. Pray for unity of the Spirit among all of the people.
Pray that the paperwork for the birth certificate, passport and visa for Declan goes smoothly and quickly.
Pray that monthly support will increase to cover their required needs now that Declan has been born.
Pray for the health of the people of Papua New Guinea as they have been affected by COVID 19.
Continue to pray for the partner team, the Fergusons, Hughes and the Myers family as well as all the people of Papua New Guinea.
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October, 2020
Micah and Laura returned home from Papua New Guinea on Thursday and will be here for several months awaiting the birth of their second child.
Prayer requests:
Please pray for a safe pregnancy and for our paperwork to come quickly after the baby is born.
Continue to pray for our Lembena people in Papua New Guinea. There has been several deaths in our village this past month.
Pray for endurance for our coworkers who are still in the tribe and are working to get the grass cut on our airstrip in order to get supplies. Our airstrip is currently closed because the grass is too long for a plane to land safely.
August, 2020
Team Lembena, including Micah and Laura and two other young families, have been officially allocated into the Tribe! This has been the result of months and years of prayer and financial support and they are very thankful. During the past nine months they have spent two months in country-wide Coronavirus quarantine and built houses for each of the three families who have joined the Tribe. Many times their flights into or out of the Tribe had to be delayed because the airstrip had to be cut, with machetes, so they asked for $6,500 to purchase and have shipped a walk-behind mower. The money was raised within 2-3 weeks, many thanks to God’s church.
Pray for Micah, Laura and Addy as they transition to life with the Tribe. They ask for wisdom in navigating the culture, learning the language quickly and that they stay humble.
Pray for the Lembena people, that God would be softening hearts for their future message and that there would be a willingness to help them learn their language and culture.
Pray for rainfall, enough to fill their water bladder, for safe water for drinking, bathing, etc., in the coming months.
Pray that the Lord would protect the health of His people in PNG during the Covid-19 epidemic. Recently, during a two-day period cases rose from 11 to 112, the majority of those in the capital city. Lord, please protect the people in the villages and Tribes.
Praise God for LTCC and their unfailing support.