Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry 〰️
Check in with Family Ministry Leader and make sure you have all necessary materials
Put on name badge and check in on iPad
Children will arrive after the worship singing - have aide check in children on the iPad
Follow schedule and curriculum plan (approximate end time is 11:30am)
Snack will be set out on the back counter (more in cabinet under counter if necessary) Please review iPad for potential allergies before serving.
Water cups available by sink
In case of an emergency (accident, fire, earthquake, etc), please refer to the Emergency procedures
Release child(ren) to PARENT ONLY.
Release child(ren) only after parent presents tag number and you’ve matched it with their child’s name tag.
Turn off tower speaker and overhead projector
Put away pencils, glue, scissors in drawers and wipe down tables if necessary
Put all unused materials on back counter
Please turn off lights and close doors
pre k - kinders
Arrive prior to the start of service to check in with Family Ministry Leader and make sure you have all necessary materials
Put on name badge and check in on iPad
Pre-K children will enter/exit classroom through the door labeled PreK
Children will arrive after the worship singing
Have aide check in all children on the iPad (if not on list, text Justine)
Follow Lesson Plan – about 45 minutes (until approx. 11:30am)
In case of an emergency (accident, fire, earthquake, etc), please refer to the Emergency page (yellow).
Release child(ren) to PARENT ONLY.
Release child only after parent presents tag number and you’ve matched it with their child’s name tag. If parent loses number, please check in with Ministry Leader.
Wipe down tables (if necessary) and put left over materials on extra table.
Please turn off lights, close windows and turn off radio when leaving the room.
Arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the start of service – no coffee/food in Nursery room (finish eating before arriving)
Put on name badge clipped to the board in adjoining hallway to PreK room
Make sure Nursery room is in order and clean
Nursery children ENTER and EXIT through the door to the RIGHT of the old check in desk
As children arrive, make sure they have a name tag and it is on their back - use the iPad to check each child in (as well as yourself)
Love on the kids - refer to board for an example of the schedule
Play music using Alexa if you’d like
If you have a child who won’t calm down, use the iPad to message the parent and let them know that Mother’s Room (Library) is available with live audio/video feed of message - check out child if they leave early
Cheerios are available on the counter by the sink
In case of an emergency (accident, fire, earthquake, etc), please refer to the procedure on the information board in the classroom
Release child(ren) to PARENT ONLY.
Release child only after parent presents tag number and you’ve matched it with their child’s name tag.
Put all toys away based on the pictures on each wall
Please make sure windows are closed
Close all doors and turn off lights
Person In Charge
Person In Charge 〰️
Plug in coffee maker in foyer using power strip behind table
Turn on lights (+ hallway)
Unlock foyer doors
Lock side door by sanctuary that AV enters through
Turn on hot water pitcher in office – when hot put on drink table in foyer
Turn on hot water container in kitchen (takes about 10 minutes to boil), then pour into hot water dispenser and place in foyer next to coffee maker (return office hot water pitcher)
Grab 4 iPads from office charging station – all are labeled with corresponding rooms
Open Check-ins app (purple check mark) to make sure all are set to see the ROSTER of each classroom as labeled (i.e. Nursery, PreK, 1st-4th)
Place CHECK-INS iPad on stand on Children’s Kiosk and check yourself as Deacon in Charge (once outdoor Security person shows up, check them in as well)
Place Brother printer on Children’s check-in kiosk next to iPad and turn on
Pray with Ushers and Greeters in kitchen hallway at 9:40am.
Remind Greeters to have new visitors fill out Welcome Card. Remind Ushers to take people to open seats once Sanctuary starts to fill up.
Mother’s Room (Library)
Turn on power strip (which will turn on hanging lights)
Place mat and toys on floor in front of couches
Make sure there are communion cups on front table
Turn on TV, select YouTube app and click on LTCC slide with title of morning’s message
Children’s Wing
Turn on lights in the Nursery (106), PreK/Kinder room (105), and CC room (104)
In CC room (104), make sure computer is connected to overhead projector
Place white remote for overhead projector next to computer (located in plastic bin in white bookcase)
Turn on tower speaker (switch located on the base of speaker in the back)
Place each iPad in each room
Nursery iPad goes on shelf above counter
PreK/K iPad goes on stand on small counter
1st-4th iPad goes on back counter
Check in with CC teacher, PreK teacher, and Nursery workers to see if they need anything
Have your phone available in case a teacher needs something (they will be checking their iPad to make sure the children who are checked in actually show up to their class and will contact you if there are any issues)
Close computer and turn off tower speaker and overhead projector in CC classroom
Return overhead remote to plastic bin in white bookcase
Turn off lights in CC classroom, PreK classroom and Nursery
Make sure all doors are closed in each room
Return all 4 iPads and printer to main office – plug into iPad charging station in workroom
Turn off lights in Mother’s Room (Library) and close doors
Pick up mat and toy bins and put against wall
Unplug coffee maker in foyer