Student Ministry Survey

While we wait on the Lord’s leading and timing for the Burton’s transition into missionary work in the greater Puget Sound region with e3 Partners, we should also be praying for clarity as to how the Lord would have us think about the “next season” of Student Ministry at LTCC.

As a starting point in charting the path forward, we want to know your thoughts on what you think Student Ministry should look like for our church family. Whether your are currently a parent of mid-schoolers or high-schoolers, or you are a parent of children soon to be in middle-school, or you are simply one of our kids’ “spiritual aunts or uncles” who cares about our students, we’d welcome your thoughts.

While all input will be treated as confidential and identifying yourself is optional, we would ask that you provide your name so that we can follow up, if needed, on your input.

As we move forward, we value your insights and feedback. What’s more, we covet your prayer cover.

The Elders and Deacons of LTCC