Together Again Survey

Dear Church Family

As you’ve heard, we’re targeting the first part of August for congregating again in the building at 17017 Forest Canyon Rd E as the church known as Lake Tapps Community Church. Lord willing. No government rollbacks forthcoming.

Our plan is to return to holding two services at reduced capacity at 9 AM and 11 AM. Initially, neither the Children’s ministry nor the nursery will be available. We will continue to evaluate how and when we will be able to offer kids classes and nursery again.

For those not ready to gather, we will livestream the first service in its entirety. Thus, those in our congregation who chose to continue to gather virtually can join us in “real time” via our website at 9 AM. If 9 AM is too early for some, they can watch the recorded livestream at a later time.

Given our reduced seating capacity limitation, we will ask you to register on our website for either the 9 AM or 11 AM service in advance of attending.

With a desire to “look to the interests of others” (Php. 2:4), in accordance with CDC guidelines and Washington State guidance Sunday morning safety precautions will include the following:

  • The building will be sanitized prior to each service.

  • Entry will be through the Foyer Doors only. (Handicap parking will be moved to the parking area in front of the office.) Greeters will be available to open doors.

  • Exit from the building should be from one of the exit doors near the sanctuary. We hope to have a covered area out back for those wanting to fellowship outdoors before they leave.

  • Washroom capacity will be restricted to two people at a time.

  • Four hand sanitizer stations will be available. Two in the foyer. One in the kitchen hallway. And one in the sanctuary.

  • Seating in the sanctuary has been set up with 6 feet between rows. To observe social distancing guidelines, three chairs should be left empty between family groups. Ushers will assist with helping maintain social distancing.

  • To limit the potential of cross-contamination:

    • We will not provide bulletins or notes pages. Announcements will be available through our website.

    • We will not collect blue cards. Prayer requests, comments, and inquiries can be submitted via our website.

    • Elements for communion will be set out on each chair before each service.

    • Boxes will be available at each of the sanctuary doors for collecting tithes and offerings. (We’d recommend using online giving through our website, if that works for you).

  • Whether inside or outside the building, we’ll ask that when fellowshipping together everyone wear a mask and social distance as appropriate.

With the above in mind, please let us know how you’re thinking about gathering again in the building.