Sunday Morning Volunteer Survey - APRIL 2020
As you’re aware, Sunday morning church is less a production to consume than a family gathering to help out with. Just as everybody asks, “What can I bring” to a family reunion, as members of the LTCC family who gather weekly for a reunion of sorts, we can each bring something.
Prior to the COVID shutdown we had about 200 - 230 people attending on any given Sunday and about 100 names of people willing to serve in some capacity. For the past month or so our average attendance between our two Sunday services has been around 120. Since August we have had essentially the same 25 to 3 folks serving every Sunday, some of them having been present for all 28 services held over the 14 weeks. As in any family many hands make work light so, because you’ve attended LTCC in person since August, we’re asking if you’d also be willing to serve at one of our services in some capacity going forward.
On Sunday mornings we need:
GREETERS in the foyer before each service begins to check people in, to engage visitors, and to welcome everyone.
USHERS to direct our socially distanced seating in the sanctuary.
STAGE PEOPLE to cover the different elements of our “Family Focus” portion of our service.
Someone to welcome the congregation and share the announcements and missionary spotlight for the week.
Someone to bring us The Scripture Reading after we’ve worshiped in song.
SECURITY folks to keep an eye on the outside of the building during the service while everyone else is inside.
AUDIO/VISUAL team members who can help with running the sound, the livestreaming, and the lyrics during the service.
MUSICIANS and SINGERS able and willing to lead the congregation in our sacrifice of praise.
No pressure, but if you able and available to serve, please let us know.