Affirming LTCC Leadership

Dear LTCC Family,

The purpose of the update this week is to answer a few questions regarding the annual affirmation of our leaders, as well as explain how the process will work for giving your input on whether the leadership at LTCC should be affirmed.

As in years past, members have been invited to learn about the roles of elders and deacons and personally engage with any of the leaders to answer any questions or provide any feedback in person or through an online feedback form.  That feedback is invaluable and so appreciated, and we thank you for providing it.

Also, as in years past, members will be asked to affirm the leaders by “voting”.  This year, however, instead of doing so as a group at the members’ meeting, we are providing a way to give your vote individually.  We have heard your feedback that it is difficult to do anything other than vote “yes” in a group setting, so we are hopeful that this improvement to the process will allow for honest responses.

Starting today, you will be able to vote on the affirmation of our elders and deacons online here.  (A paper version will be available in the office, as well.)  All are welcome to vote, however, it is the members’ votes that will be tallied and presented at the Members’ Meeting following our church service on January 29th.

For transparency’s sake, we want you to know that only Leeanne Needham, as Council Clerk, and Trista Sutherland, as Deacon of Connections & Administration, will have access to your input.  This is necessary in order to manage the form and tally the results. 

Given the number of elders being affirmed, you may wonder how our church will be led going forward.  As indicated in our church constitution, “the church will be led by two governing bodies 1: the Elders, and 2: the Church Council.” In the coming months, the affirmed elders and deacons (church council) will be leading and serving together as one body, meeting regularly to lead and serve the church together to seek the Lord in next steps. One possibility the elders and deacons will consider is the hiring of an interim pastor.

In the meantime, the pulpit for the rest of January will be covered with Village Missions pastors who will continue our series in the book of Ephesians. Please be praying for these guest pastors who will be feeding us with the Word.

We thank you for engaging the annual affirmation process! It is causing each of us to consider more deeply our role in the body of LTCC. 

See you Sunday!

Trista, for the elders and deacons

PS - Our Winter/Spring session of Bible studies and classes are now open for registration.  Be sure to sign up early! 

Trista Sutherland