Oaks of Righteousness

Dear LTCC Family,

I have been thinking about trees lately.  A few weeks back we took down a large evergreen tree on our property that was leaning and starting to split lengthwise up the trunk.  Once it had been felled, limbed, and bucked, we saw termites had been feasting on the insides for quite a while.  A good portion of the tree was almost hollow.  The tree was off on its own, away from the other trees.  Over the years it couldn’t survive the storms and infestation.

I was also thinking about trees at our Men’s Retreat this past weekend.  One reason for this is because there’s a wall of windows we look out as we worship and spend time in the Word – where we can see giant evergreen and cedar trees that surround Retreat Lake.  It’s a beautiful spot God has blessed us with over the years. 

The most important reason trees were on my mind at the retreat was because of the time Bert Downs had us spending in Isaiah 61.  Here, we read how the Messiah brings “good news to the poor” and opens the “prison to those who are bound”.  He “comfort[s] all who mourn” and gives a “garment of praise instead of a faint spirit”.  Those in Christ are like “oaks of righteousness”.

Bert (and the prophet Isaiah) helped us men see that when we live like Jesus and bestow His authority over sin it’s like a grove of large oaks – grand, fruitful, lasting, and strong – oaks of righteousness (Isaiah 61:3).   Jesus frees us from sin that helps us stand strong like big oak trees of righteousness, “the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified”.

I’m blessed to be doing life with “big oak trees” here at LTCC.  So many men that are devoted to Christ, God’s word, their families, and our church family.  Men that stay the course and ask for help when they get off the course.  Men that spend time telling their stories and what Jesus has done in their lives.  Men that love each other and disciple one another.  Bert helped us remember it takes a grove of oaks for each oak to be grand, fruitful, lasting, and strong.  Without each other and our common bond in Christ, it’s so much easier to end up like that tree on my property…off on our own, hollow, unable to withstand the storms in life, and unfruitful.  

for the Elders and Deacons





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