Looking forward

Good Friday morning Lake Tapps, 

I'm continually amazed at how our minds work.  The Lord has given us a wonderful organ, capable of the highest of thoughts – and, occasionally, one capable of actually entertaining us in our musings. 

When thinking about the 12 months of the year, here's how mine works:  I visualize the year as a right triangle.  January to June is the horizontal line. June to September is the vertical line and September to December is the slanted line back to the to January.  Don’t panic, I know it’s not mathematically accurate – it’s just a picture. 

It's now June, so here's when I take a few moments to look ahead for the next three months.  I see the beginning of our rebuilding process, as Bob Slack starts his ministry in July.  I'm so looking forward to this as we take stock of where we are as a church.  A time to honestly evaluate the lows and highs and turn to the Lord for His guidance as He heals those areas where we need His gentle touch.  We've already seen unmistakable evidence of His working in our body, as He so quickly provided our interim pastor, and that gives us hope and confidence in His presence in the future. 

One of the ministries that I have the honor of serving with is the Seniors. This past year I've seen many of them sharing their talents with the young people of our church in the youth play-days.  The months of July and August provide the Seniors, as well as others in the church, an opportunity to “adopt“ a youth and share some of their skills.  What a great way to supplement skills that have been eliminated from the education system.  This is a practical way to follow up with Justine's challenge in last week's update to support the kids.   

Also, looking ahead this summer, I see our fall Bible studies beginning in September.  Maybe this is a time that the Lord might be calling you to share your Bible knowledge with some of the youth or adults.  We are told we all have been given specific spiritual gifts (1 Cor 12:7) for ministry in the body.  Use this summer to seek the Lord to see how He might be calling you to serve (lead or participate) in the fall. 

But it's not all looking ahead to future events that's encouraging.  Many of you are gathering each week before the worship service to pray for the needs of our church. It's such a sweet time when we gather to talk to and hear from the Lord. 

Another encouragement is the number who have signed up for the “Dinner for Six-ish”.  I'm looking forward to our dinner to better know those in my group who I don't yet know.  Food and church life seemed to be intertwined (Acts 2:46).  If you missed signing up for the church wide event this summer, you can always sign up for the fall session.  Also, there's nothing preventing you from inviting someone to dine with you now.  In a former church we had a program called “Take an alien to lunch”.  What a great way to meet a new person(s) after worship service and welcome then into our body. 

Nearer on the horizon is the annual Lake Tapps Night at the Ballpark with the Rainiers in Tacoma on June 30th.  Follow this link to purchase your tickets. 

Finally, with all these opportunities to serve and fellowship, we do so with the assurance that we have a God who will supply all our needs (Phil 4:19).  So we move forward depending on His strength and presence to enable us.


Gary Warne
for the Elders and Deacons


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  • Read about this week's Missionary Spotlight, Doug & Margaret Nichols.

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Gary Warne