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A Family Fast

Jesus instructed his disciples, “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do...” He didn’t say if you fast but when you fast, assuming without question that we will do it. And when his disciples failed to drive out a demon, Jesus told them, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Moses fasted when receiving the Ten Commandments. Daniel fasted while seeking God’s guidance. Esther fasted before approaching the king. Paul and Barnabus fasted before appointing elders in various churches.

The modern American church rarely emphasizes fasting; but given the power and pervasiveness of fasting throughout Scripture, we neglect it to our own detriment. Our congregation is preparing to invite a pastor and his family into our church family. Several candidates have expressed interest, and the PST is making decisions that will affect LTCC’s trajectory for years to come. Now is an excellent time to embrace the power of pairing our prayers with fasting.

So, we invite you to fast with us:

  • We will dedicate the first full week of each month to fasting, starting 1/6/25. You can begin any day that week and fast for however long you want.

  • We will pray and celebrate together those Saturdays at 6pm via Zoom.

  • Fasts are usually from food, but you can also fast from TV, internet, screens, etc.

If you’d like a fuller biblical treatment of fasting, see Celebration of Discipline, by Richard Foster,

or this article: What Christians Need to Know about Fasting and Prayer.

NEW! Ministry Minute


Trista Sutherland


The Love One Another Benevolence Team has been blessed by serving people within our church and our community over this past year. That said, we also have made the decision to put a pause on this team. It has been a bit confusing to our church body to have one team facilitating or assisting with Member Care, Outreach, Evangelism and Benevolence (financial assistance). Church leaders are working to separate those ministries and choose which one(s) to focus on moving forward. “Love One Another” may resurface in 2025, or God may do a whole new thing, but whatever it is, God will surely be at the center!