Elder & Deacon Meeting Review

Greetings LTCC!  This week I thought I would provide a few highlights from the elder & deacon meeting this past Tuesday.  What a great time of devotion, prayer, business, and brainstorming we had together.  I was struck by all the many praises we thanked God for and the requests we had for God during our time of prayer.

  • For Men’s Ministry we are thankful for additional men getting involved and leading in various ways.

  • In Children’s Ministry we praise the Lord for such a strong rotation of teachers and nursery workers.

  • For Women’s Ministry we thank God for an answer to prayer with Leeanne Needham answering the call to lead the ministry.

  • For Youth Ministry we thank God for consistent leaders each week and we pray for a new youth leader by this Fall.

  • In our administrative and connection office of the church we praise God for new people engaging in the church and how involved so many of us are in different ministries.

  • We seek the Lord’s healing hand for so many health needs in our church family.

  • We pray for a Sr. Pastor in God’s timing.


What a sweet time of prayer we had as a leadership team.  

Another highlight was our focused time diving into our Restore Phase and identifying some ‘big rocks’ that we need to focus on.  After one meeting it’s difficult to provide specifics or provide statements of finality on any one thing.  However, we have agreed that we will sequence our efforts around the following items:

  • Elder led church governance structure

  • Plurality of elders governance structure

  • Nomination and affirmation of elders and deacons

  • Reporting structures for elders, deacons, and church staff


Thankfully we have a lot of feedback from all of you on these topics over the last few months.  While affirmed as leaders to apply biblical truths to these topics, we want to engage with the church family at some level as we work through them.  Please trust we haven’t lost site of other items such as interim/outside assistance and pastoral care for the flock.   Thank you for your continued prayers as we trust in the Lord for his guidance.

For the elders and deacons, Perry

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