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Ask For The Ancient Paths

Lay Elder

During last week’s elder meeting, there was a great deal of excitement and anticipation buzzing, and Gary Warne did what he has so often done: he offered the calm, steady wisdom that the entire Christian walk is founded on.

“Remember to be like Abraham,” he said. “Whatever we have, even as precious as our own children, we must be ready to offer it completely to God and trust that He will provide, even if it’s not what we expect.” Immediately, my eager spirit settled. Immediately, I was at peace. God is working, and what can anyone do to stop Him?

Gary’s timeless wisdom reminds me of God’s instructions to His people in Jeremiah 6:16: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Everyone who walks the earth today is young. Our ancestors walked deeply with Christ for thousands of years before we ever took our first breath; and thousands of years before our Christian forefathers took their first breaths, God was laying paths for His people through the sea, through the desert, and into lands promised but never seen until he revealed them. Our Lord’s paths are more ancient than we can fathom.

When we follow the Wisdom that planned out the entire human story, we find the only true rest that a person can know. Thank you, Gary, for so often offering that wisdom—and its peace.

NEW! Ministry Minute


Tena Storgard


As we head into 2025, I would like to take some time to give you an update on the 2024 financials. Below is a summary of how we ended the year.  We were blessed with receiving more in our giving than originally budgeted, and our net revenue was less than originally budgeted!  Praise the Lord for the provisions he has provided.

One item that was discussed at the Annual Meeting was putting our excess funds into a fund that would earn interest  – this has been completed and we have moved $110,000 to a CD account for one year.

Please email the, if you have any questions.