What are you grateful for?

Two words have been on my heart since our Members’ Meeting nearly two weeks ago.  One of them is “Celebrate”.  We are celebrating God’s provision and guidance as we continue to work through our Restore phase with IPM.  The second word that has been on my heart is “Gratitude”.  There is so much to be grateful for, but I want to share that I am grateful for all of you.  

Our church family is so encouraging, helpful to each other, and involved in serving together.  It takes about 30 people every Sunday to put a church service together.  Whether you’re greeting, preaching or anything in between, each role is vital to loving God by helping people follow Jesus.  It is so encouraging to see our church family care for each other by “leaning in” and serving in areas of need.  I think I can speak for my fellow leaders (for whom I am also very grateful) by saying that getting a card of encouragement is a regular occurrence.  Balancing work life and church life is hard sometimes, and the simple note that shows up in the mailbox lifts our spirits and encourages us in our faith.  

In this way, many of you bring to life what Paul writes to the Thessalonians, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

I’m so grateful for my LTCC family.  What are you grateful for?

For the elders & deacons

Interested in leaning in more?  Let us know how you'd like to join in serving on Sunday mornings & through other ministries and/or how you'd like to serve people in and outside the church.


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