Energy in the Room

Brothers and Sisters of LTCC, Good Morning!

This week I came across an article on how to create energy in a room.

Let fresh air in, it said. Burn sage, it said. Re-arrange the furniture, add plants. Shift the energy of any space in the world, it said, by raising “universal vibrations” which will help attract positivity and abundance to your life. Hmm . . .

I don’t know about raising universal vibrations but there’s biblical precedence for heavenly vibrations descending.

And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. (Acts 4:31)

Know what can add energy to a room? A bunch of believers. Followers of Jesus. Worshipers of the Living God. Those indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Pack more of them into a single space and you’re gonna get more energy.

“Increased energy.” Those are two words I have heard from several of us throughout July. Our single service for the summer has added energy to our gatherings. Combine 50 to 70 worshipers from two meetings into 120 to 150 worshipers in a single meeting and something changes. Not in the order of service, yet in every aspect of the service. More people praying, more people singing, more people making eye contact with the preacher encouraging him, at least silently, to preach it. So many have remarked on the energy in the room throughout July.

And it’s not just during the service. It’s before the service, as well, where people are connecting with one another in the foyer as they arrive. It’s also after the service. There’s been a noticeable uptick in those who are “quick to speak and slow to leave.” More people staying longer to enjoy one another’s company. Last Sunday, service ended at 11:30 a.m. and there were still people talking, laughing, and enjoying community together at 1:15 when we started locking the doors. How come? There’s an infectious energy and joy that comes from being together celebrating our identity in Christ and our unity with one another.

We’ve got a few summer weeks left to take advantage of this infusion of energy at LTCC on Sunday mornings. To be jazzed afresh each week as we again connect with brothers and sisters – some we’ve come to love over many years, others we’ve only come to know recently. To refuel the gas tank as we experience that “I feel like I’ve always known you” feeling when we connect with a “stranger” from that other service who, because of our gospel connection, seems like they’ve been family for a long time – ‘cause they kind of have been.

That kind of community and energy isn’t just available on Sunday mornings, there are other opportunities in the coming weeks to be together. Even if you’re not planning to camp at Mayfield Lake the week of August 1st, you won’t be disappointed by making the effort to head down Wednesday morning, August 3rd, for some church family fun at the lake, followed by a good old-fashioned potluck-in-the-park at 2 p.m. Or check out the announcements web page and sign up for one of the other ways available to create some energy by being together. There are breakfasts, outings, tennis dates, and movie nights. Getting together, enjoying one another, that’s what they all have common. Take advantage of the opportunities.

And, speaking of energy, how blessed were we to be part of last Sunday’s baptism? For many of us, it was like going to a wedding and experiencing flashbacks from our own wedding day. Seeing someone be baptized takes us back to that time in our lives when we wanted everyone to know the difference Jesus had made in our lives, when we were excited to publicly declare that we were a Jesus follower. We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating, at LTCC we can baptize on demand. If you’re thinking about baptism, or just have questions about why baptism is so important in a believer’s life, please read our baptism webpage and let one of the elders know with an e-mail or through this baptism interest form. One of us would love to connect with you and walk with you as you consider your readiness for that profound step of obedience.

Look forward to the energy of being together again this Sunday.

For the elders,


  • Check out our Announcements page and/or our Events page to find out What's Happening at LTCC this week and beyond!

  • Read about this week's Missionary Spotlight, James and Lori Hoad.

  • Joining us via Livestream this Sunday? Click here to get the link for the Livestream.

Pete Corak