Fall Study Groups

Good morning, Lake Tapps

As you can imagine, things have started out pretty quiet in the office this week as everyone’s been down at Mayfield Lake enjoying the “close proximity” fellowship that comes from camping side-by-side. What a great time to hang with brothers and sisters who, most often, you only get to be with for only a couple of hours on a Sunday. I can’t think of anything else that LTCC does which so closely models the first century church dynamic spoken of in Acts 2.

And all who believed were together and had all things in common [as they wandered from campsite to campsite] . . . And day by day, attending the [lakefront] together and breaking bread [at their picnic tables], they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number [on Wednesday] others who were saved. ~ Acts 2:44-47 PVLT (Pete’s Very Loose Translation)

Summer is so good for that. For taking some downtime to refresh, reconnect, and reenergize for the fall.

But to be ready for the fall, someone needs to be working during the summer. One of those people is Brian Peterson. Beyond a very busy July with Reality Sports camps, Brian’s also been working behind the scenes to organize our slate of Bible Studies for the fall. He’s been connecting with those ready, willing, and able to lead a study to put together a plan for the fall.

As we’ve mentioned in previous check-ins, over the past year the elders have been challenged by a book we read together in early 2021, “Deep Discipleship” by J.T. English. After discussing it together, and with the deacons, we’ve been challenged to be more intentional about providing “learning spaces” for those wanting to go deeper in the things of God.

And so, we’re being more intentional about WHEN we’ll study – multiple classes offered throughout the week between Labor Day and Thanksgiving, and between New Years and Easter. We’ve also wanted to be more intentional in HOW we study, aspiring towards all our classes being “active learning” environments where our teachers are providing pre-reading assignments and then engaging those in their class in a dialogue approach towards learning.

We’ve also been more intentional around WHAT we'll study. We need to study BOOKS OF THE BIBLE, for sure. But there’s also value in studying the BELIEFS IN THE BIBLE, the theology and doctrines which are revealed through a holistic consideration of the Scriptures. And, as disciples who are to “walk” according to Scripture, we want classes targeted towards BEHAVIORS FROM THE BIBLE, teaching spiritual habits which are foundational to growing in Christ.

So, with all that intentionality in play, Brian’s been busy working with this fall’s teachers to line up a variety of classes offered on different days and at different times during the week. Lord willing, during September, October, and November (and maybe a bit into December depending on the study) one or more classes will be offered covering:

  • BIBLE – The Book of Ephesians

  • BELIEFS – Union with Christ

  • BEHAVIORS – Spiritual Disciplines

In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be putting up a web page with class details and a place to sign up. For now, while you’re still enjoying the downtime of summer, think about penciling in a weekly study as you build your schedule for the fall. You won’t be disappointed. You’ll grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18) and in relationship with brothers and sisters in the Body (like they did in Acts 2). We’ll let you know when the web page is up.

Finally, as we head into the weekend, a couple of reminders. First, men’s breakfast tomorrow morning. Guys, come out for what is always an uplifting time of fellowship and encouragement. Let us know you’re coming by clicking here. And, for those who are newcomers to LTCC, or still feel like newcomers, don’t forget the Ice Cream Social on Sunday night. It will be a great chance to meet some of the church leadership as well as others who are newer to our church family. Click here to RSVP.

For the elders,



  • Check out our Announcements page and/or our Events page to find out What's Happening at LTCC this week and beyond!

  • Read about this week's Missionary Spotlight, Rich and Marla Henderson with One Challenge International.

  • Joining us via Livestream this Sunday? Click here to get the link for the Livestream.

Pete Corak