A Family Growing Together, Honoring Together

Dear Church Family,

To say the least, this Sunday is gonna be a full Sunday. We’ll gather at 10 am for our single summer service to worship and be built up in our faith. That will be followed by the opportunity to fellowship together over a light meal before we convene for a members’ meeting to update us on Sr. Pastor Succession, Youth Ministry, and other “family business”. Lunch should be ready by noon with the meeting starting shortly thereafter. If you’re a member of LTCC we encourage your attendance. If you’re not a member, you are welcome to attend, as well.

But wait! There’s more!

At 2pm, we’ll have the long-awaited opportunity to honor Tim and Sue Heath by formally, and corporately thanking them for their 25 years of faithful service to the saints at Lake Tapps Community Church.

If you know Tim and Sue, you know that they really aren’t “let me be in the spotlight” people. Tim has humbly allowed himself to be center stage behind the pulpit for the past two-and-a-half decades because of God’s call on his life. He has been called to shepherd the church and has delighted in the privilege of feeding the flock. Beyond the pulpit, as a team Tim and Sue have fulfilled well their Village Missions charge to “preach the word and love the people”. Tim and Sue have both loved us so well because they both love Jesus so much. So, if it was up to them, I’m sure they’d settle with the prayers, the thank yous, and the well wishes they’ve received from us as individuals over the past several weeks and months.

But we’re not just a bunch of individuals. We’re a family, the household of God (1 Timothy 3:15). And just as we desire to be a family growing together, we also want to be a family that worships together, serves together, rejoices and weeps together, and honors those who have served well in our midst together.

The Scriptures tell us it’s appropriate for God’s people to honor those who have shepherded the flock well.

Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. (1 Timothy 5: 17 ESV)

We ask you, brothers [and sisters], to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13a ESV)

To Timothy, when Paul uses the word for “honor” he is most likely referring to remuneration. Yet the word also has the idea of showing respect, of holding in esteem, of giving honor to those who labor well as shepherds. To the Thessalonian church, Paul wanted them to esteem “very highly” those who served the body by leading the body. As the Message puts it, “Overwhelm them with appreciation and love!”

That’s what we want to do as a church family this Sunday. We want to overwhelm Tim and Sue with appreciation and love. Of the many things we’re privileged to do together as a church, this is one of them.

Speaking of being a family, our next class on how we think about church membership at LTCC, “Family Matters”, is scheduled for Saturday morning, July 23, at 8:30 a.m. If you’re not already a member of LTCC, would you pray about becoming one?

In previous check-ins we’ve mentioned Rediscover Church, a book about “why church is essential for believers and God’s mission.” In the chapter, “Is Joining Actually Necessary”, the authors define church membership as “how we formally recognize and commit to one another as believers” (Hansen / Leeman, Rediscover Church, 2021, p.74). At LTCC we call it “making a living commitment” to the body.

Those who commit to the body of Christ acknowledge they not only enjoy the privileges that come with fellowship but accept the responsibilities as well. Being a member isn't a "status", it's the formal acceptance of a role within the body conveyed to the rest of the body. We encourage all believers who attend LTCC to be "joined" because the Bible says it's vital if we are "to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ" (Ephesians 4:15-16). We would love to have you join us on the 23rd! Please let us know if plan to attend.

Again, we look forward to gathering together as the church this Sunday. It will be a joy to be fed by the Word, to fellowship over a meal, to talk about family business, and to honor two of our family who have loved us so well.

It will be good for us. We trust that it will bring glory to God.

On behalf of the elders,



  • Check out our Announcements page and/or our Events page to find out What's Happening at LTCC this week and beyond!

  • Read about this week's Missionary Spotlight, JANIS & ANITA BULIS

  • Joining us via Livestream this Sunday? Click here to get the link for the Livestream.

Pete Corak