Please Register Today

Good Morning, LTCC Family!

Wednesday night I was at meeting with our bible study teachers where Brian helped us think about getting ready for our studies in the fall. Even though our studies are still three weeks away from starting up, our teachers have already been busy planning ahead. Last night we talked again about the active learning environment we hope to create in our classes this fall. We were reminded that an active learning environment entails: 1) pre-work; 2) group discussion; 3) teaching more akin to dialoguing than lecturing; 4) and ensuring that everyone has some takeaway they’re able to pass on to others after leaving the classroom. Whatever work was on our plates before Wednesday’s meeting to get ready for mid-September was added to as we were challenged to put in the prep to create a productive learning environment.

But like all such work, especially voluntary work, each of us walked away last night with a choice. Start working it today or, worry about it tomorrow.

Recently, I came across the following tongue-in-check definition of tomorrow.



a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation
and achievement is stored

How many of us are all too familiar with that mystical land? The place where we put stuff that we could just as easily deal with today. But also, that place where what we’ve stored up can suddenly show up with a sense of urgency which we never knew it could have. While urgency has a way of spurring on productivity, there’s wisdom in doing today what can be done today.

So, this week’s check-in is an encouragement to do today what you can do today. Especially as it pertains to registering for one of the studies or other programs starting up at LTCC in September.

Every church has its culture, it’s distinct markings and makings. That we have a “family feel” at LTCC isn’t a surprise to those who are here. The most frequent reason I hear from those who have felt led to fellowship at LTCC is that “When I came, I felt at home.” We really do take aspire to be a family growing together.

Another common family attribute at LTCC which I have often heard commented on is that we aren’t really a “sign up” church. That we may be a little RSVP resistant. When we do sign up, often it’s at the last minute. Maybe it’s because in our families at home we’re just “showing up” rather than “signing up”. More laissez-faire than lets-be-formal.

But let me suggest that making the call today to commit to a study, or attend our Fall Family Focus event, or one of the monthly breakfasts, and then signing up today really is a way to serve the body. Serving those who are planning, those who are having to order materials with a delivery lead time, and those who would benefit from knowing numbers sooner than later so that we’re ready for the fall.

If you haven’t already, click here now to see what studies are being offered this fall and then sign up now. If you are pretty sure you’re going to be here for our Fall Family Focus event on September 11, let us know even before you finish reading this. If you’re planning on your kids attending Adventure Club and haven’t yet registered them, you can do that right now right here. Speaking of Adventure Club, even if you don’t have kids, do you have grandkids, or friends with kids who might enjoy and benefit from our kid’s club? Why not give them a call? Maybe today.

Something else you can do today, or perhaps right now, is peruse our events calendar and sign up for an upcoming men’s or women’s breakfast, or the next membership class, or the special lunch that’s being hosted in October with Chuck Kelley, our missionary to Latvia.

Lots happening at LTCC. Thanks to all who serve us so well by planning, preparing, and quarterbacking our events and studies. Let’s serve them well by letting them know we’re in. And, as mom used to always say, “Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today.”

Look forward to worshiping with you Sunday.

For the elders,


Pete Corak