A couple of weeks ago, pastor Bob pointed out in one of his messages that the learning process is not limited to the young, both in age or spiritual maturity, but that it is a lifetime process in which we all participate.
Read MoreThroughout Scripture God gives specific commands to us. Love the Lord your God [Deuteronomy 6:5], follow me [Mathew 4:19], and go make disciples [Mathew 28:19] and repeated in Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The great commission is great because it rests on the authority of Christ and
Read More“Pray continually.” Clearly we can’t form words without breathing, eating, sleeping, etc. In context, this means that the entire life of the believer is lived in dependence on God. That being said, there is a time and a call for much vocal praying as well.
Read MoreGod speaks to his people in many different ways. To Moses, he spoke through a burning bush (Exodus 3). To Job, he spoke through a whirlwind (Job 38). To Elijah, he spoke in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19). At one point, he even opened the mouth of a donkey (Numbers 22) to get his point across!
Read MoreHave you ever experienced the kind of jubilation that led the prodigal son’s father to throw a party? Have you ever been as excited as the shepherd was about finding his lost sheep? Have you ever enjoyed the “gaining of a brother,” as a result of working the reconciliatory steps of Matthew 18?
As a church body, we’ve been talking about reconciliation quite a bit lately. Well actually
Read MoreThe fear of the Lord is a difficult concept. Christ comes to free us from fear, but then the Scriptures tell us to fear God. Which is it? We know it’s one of those “both” answers, but how does that work?
Read MoreA big welcome to Bob – he has hit the ground running, already meeting with many. If you would like to meet with him
Read MoreLTCC loves one another, that is for sure! We also love our community through serving, as was exemplified last Saturday at the Compassion Washington healthcare event where approximately 30 from our church body served in a multitude of ways.
Read MoreDuring this graduation season and end of the school year festivities, I’ve found myself reflecting on the rich tapestry of life. Milestones such as graduations often stir up many emotions as they mark the end of a season and the beginning of something new. Tears flow as that graduation day reminds us of each day along the way as we’ve journeyed to that point.
Read MoreI'm continually amazed at how our minds work. The Lord has given us a wonderful organ, capable of the highest of thoughts – and, occasionally, one capable of actually entertaining us in our musings. When thinking about the 12 months of the year, here's how mine works…
Read MoreGraduation parties and ceremonies are coming up this weekend for our high schoolers. As our youngest son, Luke, embarks on this milestone, I can’t help thinking about all of the people who have poured into his life over the years.
Read MoreMay 2023 has been an eventful month for LTCC. Relying on Our Savior, we have both celebrated the life of one beloved pastor and called another to serve for the time being. As I hope you read in last week’s update, we extended a call to Bob Slack of Interim Pastor Ministries (IPM) to serve as our interim pastor. He accepted and will begin his time with us on July 2nd. As I anticipate Bob’s ministry to us, I have been contemplating my response and responsibilities.
Read More“I’m not perfect, but God is.” That was one of the many messages Bob squeezed in over his few short days with us. Bob was faithful to
Read MoreI like to think that God puts the church together like a jigsaw puzzle. Every piece has it's place, and God brings those pieces together in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. I don't think there's any question that…
Read MoreI remember my first time ever going over to Tim and Sue’s house with our young kids. Justine and I were relatively new to the church and were having dinner with Tim and Sue to get to know them better. We weren’t there for more than 5 minutes and Tim was already
Read MoreA lot can happen in a week. After the meeting with our potential interim pastor Friday night, we got word of Pastor Tim’s passing early Saturday morning. So many conflicting emotions. Now, a few days later, sitting in my office and looking across to where Tim’s name is still adorned above his old office, I can almost feel him giving me a side hug and saying, “You know, Justine, God never said this was going to be easy, but He promises to be with us.
Read MoreWe held our first family forum just a week and a half ago. For those who missed it, it was a helpful time together. Various opinions were expressed as well as clarifying questions asked. We reviewed a bit of where we’ve been, expressed gratitude for past and present leaders, acknowledged our present circumstances, and reaffirmed the decision to seek an intentional interim pastor. Overall, there was encouragement to continue moving forward with God’s leading.
Read MoreOne of our core values at LTCC is the “Great Commission” given by Christ in Matthew 28:18-20. It is the responsibility of the church until He returns. Jesus commissioned followers of himself to go make disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey.
Read MoreAt our monthly potluck last week, I asked the seniors what Easter meant to them. This week as we look forward to Easter Sunday, it’s not a bad question for all of us to consider.
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