As an adjective, lavish means extravagant, bountiful, and luxurious. Isn’t this the nature of our God? Used as a verb, to lavish means to give generously, to heap, show and pour in extravagant quantities. Isn’t this how our God operates?
Read MoreI was driving up Sumner Tapps Highway this past week, and I noticed our church building standing splendidly on the hill. I thought of all the purposes that our building serves. The Scriptures are quite clear that the church is the people rather than the building, but interestingly doesn’t say much about church buildings outside of the Tabernacle and Temple in the Old Testament. Historically, early Christians met
Read MoreI work in the financial industry and the headlines about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and others has created quite the buzz this week. Perhaps over simplified, the bank collapses are the result of favoring short-term gains over long-term value. Over the last couple of years
Read MoreThis week in our Growing in Christ Bible study our memory verse was Matthew 6:33 where Jesus says:
“But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you as well.” (NIV)
Leading up to and following that verse, Jesus tells his followers not to be anxious
Read MoreIn the house I grew up in, the bedrooms and kitchen were on the top floor and our living room was on the bottom floor. Many nights I would sneak out of my bedroom and sit at the top of the stairs straining to hear the TV that was playing in the living room down below. One night, as I was in my usual spot, I heard a voice behind me.
Read MoreLTCC is an outpost for the gospel, a place to hear God’s truth and apply it in love toward one another and in taking it to the world. It takes structure for this to happen in a group of people. Structure is something we have been wrestling with at LTCC.
Read MoreIn one of Jesus’ parables, he says “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” (Luke 16:10-11).
Read MoreWhat a great time of devotion, prayer, business, and brainstorming we had together. I was struck by all the many praises we thanked God for and the requests we had for God during our time of prayer.
Read MoreIt was encouraging to see God at work here at LTCC in our Member's Meeting this past Sunday. There's so much to praise our Father for as we also wait on Him to answer our prayers.
Read MoreThe last few months coming together to pray before we worship each week has been so edifying. There has been genuine thanksgiving for how the Lord continues to meet us even in the midst of trial. Sometimes there has been silence just to meditate. We have also cried out for God to meet us, change us, and guide us in our weakness. Heartfelt supplication
Read MoreSince we are in the middle of our four step Pause, Affirm, Restore, Resume process, I thought it would be helpful to update you on the status of the Affirmation/Voting phase. As of this morning, 63 of our 119 members have voted. Of those voting, 22% have submitted the feedback form.
We want to thank you
Read MoreI was reminded by someone recently of the simplicity of the gospel. Jesus in our place. Jesus took the eternal punishment I deserve for my sin. How many times have we heard that in our Christian lives? It seems so rote, so common to us as believers. But, there is no other truth that can anchor our souls when we peer into eternity.
Read MoreThe purpose of the update this week is to answer a few questions regarding the annual affirmation of our leaders, as well as explain how the process will work for giving your input on whether the leadership at LTCC should be affirmed.
Read MoreNow that the rush of Christmas is over and we survey the pile of wrapping paper, let’s take a breather and consider the gifts we received. Did you get the gift you wanted? Earlier this week I went to Costco and saw the return/exchange line stretching out the door into the parking lot.
Read MoreThis week, let us encourage you to ENGAGE. By engage we mean familiarizing yourself with those God has led to serve our church family as elders and deacons.
Read MoreThis week we are formally kicking off our annual affirmation process. While it is a process designed specifically for our members, those who have formally covenanted and committed to the church body at LTCC, we invite all those who attend LTCC to engage with the process.
Read MoreI read a quote this week by author and pastor John Piper, “In God’s providence, everything is significant, everything is meaningful. Nothing is random, nothing is pointless, nothing is meaningless.” For me personally, this caused a pause in the busyness of my day
Read MoreOne of my favorite passages in the Bible is Philippians 4:6-7 where Paul says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (NIV).
Read MoreJames carries this idea of thankfulness to the extreme where he says we should find joy in our disappointments and trials. On the surface we would be crazy to find joy in our problems. But James reminds us that it is through the trials that God makes us perfect and complete (James 1:2-4).
Read MoreDo we understand all that’s going on? No, but we’re not to lean on our understanding. What we are to do is trust and lean on Jesus. We are to acknowledge Him as our Head, and rest in His promise that He will make the way forward clear.
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