Reevaluate and start afresh

Happy New Year! Time for making resolutions and goals. Whether it be spending time in prayer, Bible reading, exercising, eating healthier, budgeting, or focusing on quality time with others, January encourages us to reevaluate and start afresh. 

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Justine Peterson
God bless us, every one!

As we've looked back and seen the faithfulness of the Lord's leading and providing for us the last several years, there is every confidence He will continue to provide in the same way in the future.

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Gary Warne
Knowing our Mission is Critical

Christmas shopping can be overwhelming. When Justine says to me, “Can you pick up a gift for  __________?” I’m not even sure where to start. I find myself wandering aimlessly, whether online or through the stores. Where am I going again? What am I getting? 

Knowing our mission as God’s people, the Church, is critical….

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Brian Peterson
Trusting God as Provider

I have the blessed opportunity to serve in various capacities here at LTCC.  Being involved in Men’s Ministry, the Church Council *1, and the Transition Team *2, I get to see and interact with a wide range of perspectives and….

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Guest User
Good News of Great Joy for ALL people!

The Christmas season is in full swing, which leads many of us back to some very familiar passages in Scripture. Passages about angels, shepherds, a star, some wise men, and a baby lying in an animal’s feed trough. In Luke 2, when the angels appear to the shepherds, they announce that they are…

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Daniel Geske
Ho! Ho! Ho! Hooooo boy, there is a lot going on!

We are into Christmas season now and will have four weeks of an Advent series preaching on the Christmas theme starting this Sunday. There are really three uses of the word “Advent” in the Christian Church.  Its origin is from the Latin word adventus, which simply translates as "coming" or "arrival." When we look back at…

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Bob Slack
What do I have to be thankful for this year?

In just one week from now we celebrate our annual Thanksgiving Holiday; and in just a little over a month from now we will be exchanging gifts with one another.  All this got me thinking about giving thanks.  I asked myself, “what do I have to be thankful for this year?” 

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Gary Warne
Family Ministry Update

For those of us who worship, will we go on mission to tell others why? Our Adventure Club teachers took their kids by the mission wall each week and talked about the missionary spotlight. They gave the vision of the call to share the gospel wherever God takes them in life. And parents are equipping their kids by

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Justine Peterson
“Gentlemen start your engines!”

“Gentlemen start your engines!” This is the phrase used to start the Indianapolis 500 auto race every May. The “Indy” is used often in our culture as an example of a long race where you do regular adjustments and maintenance to a car while it’s still in the race. It’s called a “pit stop.”

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Bob Slack
Christianity is not an American thing

I have always liked that we mark this special weekend by hanging dozens of national flags. To me, it serves as a reminder of what is written in Revelation 7:9. When God gives John a glimpse of the heavenly future, he sees “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.”

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Daniel Geske
Goal #1: To see the Great Commission come alive

One of the ways that our church reaffirms and renews our commitments to praying for harvest laborers and participating in the work of those in the field is through our annual Missions Emphasis Weekend on Oct. 27-29. It is a visual reminder of Jesus’ words to His disciples:

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Ron Hubeek
Oaks of Righteousness

I have been thinking about trees lately.  A few weeks back we took down a large evergreen tree on our property that was leaning and starting to split lengthwise up the trunk.  Once it had been felled, limbed, and bucked, we saw…

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Guest User
“All the News that’s fit to print.”

We, as a church, a transition team, and the leadership, have been asking God for wisdom about going forward. Part of the wisdom He has given us is to follow IPM’s 5 stage process, which we are doing now in stage 2.  With stage 3 in view, we are getting…

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Bob Slack
“We’ve seen that one!” 

Have you ever been watching something that you didn’t recognize at first and then you say, “We’ve seen that one!”? You might be tempted to say that about this weekly update, but while there are elements you have seen before, this is (oddly enough) an “update!”.

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Bob Slack
The Blessing of Prayer

What I didn’t question, though, was the need to pray. As one guy in my prayer triplet reminded us, “Prayer accomplishes things.” We don’t exactly understand how or why, but God calls us to pray, and He responds. God is all-powerful and can accomplish His purposes without us, yet He invites us into His work through prayer. Crazy.

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Brian Peterson

And just like that, Summer is gone.  School lunches are being packed, buses are rolling, math facts are being studied, and like it or not, we are forced back into a stricter routine.  As a school teacher, I love this time of year. There’s just something about new crayons, a clean stack of notebook paper and a fresh start. 

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Leeanne Needham
Are we there yet?

If you are a parent who has ever taken your kids on a trip, you have heard those words. I got used to telling my sons, “Yup – get out!”.  If you were ever a youth pastor you heard it even more driving the church van. My answer was, “No but we are stopping here for gas and a bathroom break. Be sure to get back to the van soon.” If you are an interim pastor, the conversation can be similar…

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Bob Slack