Our succession process has been a long, well thought out, well prayed over, and well executed process. Thus, we trust that we are exactly where the Lord Jesus would have us be. Certainly not fully understanding it, yet fully trusting in Him as the Head of the Church.
Read MoreThis week’s update is short and to the point. Just a few items you should be aware of.
Read MoreNow, let’s shift from the rearview mirror of last weekend to the distant horizon of August 2023 and LTCC’s annual Mayfield Lake camping trip. I call it “proximity fellowship.” That's what you get when you have 70 to 100 people all camping within a few hundred feet of one another.
Read MoreMissions Emphasis Weekend is less about raising money for our missionaries; God has truly blessed the church with the funds to do so. This weekend is more about you. Yes, you!
Read MoreOne of the subtle yet significant truths woven throughout Ephesians is the reality that living “in Christ Jesus” means that we are always in the presence of God. This is actually a massive thought if we take a few steps back.
Read MoreWe are all well familiar with the imagery of the body and its members; all our unique parts working together as the church. And at LTCC, we do that well. So many members share in the joy of serving Christ within the church!
Read MoreA brief update on our fall bible studies, the parsonage, and a couple of upcoming events.
Read MoreLTCC’s Missions Emphasis Weekend has been a cornerstone of LTCC’s missionary DNA for decades. It’s a weekend where, as a church family, we get to know a couple of our missionaries at a little deeper level while reminded of the many missionaries supported by LTCC. An event which over the years, and with a bit of commitment and effort, eventually allowed Sue and I to come to regard LTCC’s missionaries as OUR missionaries.
Read MoreWe as Christians have lost the sense of Good News that the Gospel really is. And if we ourselves are not sure that the Gospel is good news, it makes for a very “hard sell” when it comes to communicating that message. Paul’s letter of Ephesians is jam-packed in its telling of the Gospel as good news.
Read MoreAt the beginning of 2022, we recognized several challenges for us in the coming year, but we resolved to face those challenges by relying on the faithfulness of the head over our body, the Lord Jesus Christ. Here we are now in September. We have another opportunity to take stock of the last few months and turn our attention to what lies ahead during the rest of this year.
Read MoreThis week we wanted to give you an idea of what has been happening in Family Ministry (children and youth) and where we are heading this fall.
Read MoreThis week’s check-in is an encouragement to do today what you can do today. Especially as it pertains to registering for one of the studies or other programs starting up at LTCC in September.
Read MoreOne of the things that drew me and our family to LTCC was the all-pervasive feeling of family. At risk of sounding cliché, our first Sunday felt like we were coming home…
Read MoreThis coming Sunday we are going to be starting a short series on the Psalms entitled “Training in Honest Prayer.” Perhaps more than any other book in the Bible, the Psalms offer us the gamut of human emotion and experience. Lament, joy, wisdom, confession, anger, fear, and sadness are expressed throughout the book.
Read MoreOver the past year the elders have been challenged to be more intentional about providing “learning spaces” for those wanting to go deeper in the things of God. Here’s what we’re thinking for the fall.
Read MoreKnow what can add energy to a room? A bunch of believers. Followers of Jesus. Worshipers of the Living God. Those indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Pack more of them into a single space and you’re gonna get more energy.
Read MoreWe’ve had many exciting Sunday services recently where we’ve had an opportunity to look back (with the Heaths), and also look forward (with the Burtons). This coming Sunday, we have an opportunity to “look up”, so to speak, as we will be having a baptismal service.
Read MoreLast Sunday we were able to show our love for Tim and Sue as they enter the sunset season of their ministry. This Sunday we get to show our love to Evan and Kathryn as they enter the dawn of theirs.
Read MoreThis Sunday will be a full Sunday. But we’re so thankful we’ll have the opportunity to honor the Heaths and thank them for their service to LTCC.
Read MoreLTCC was hard at work last Saturday doing our Father’s business at the Compassion Clinic and Reality Sports events. And what a great weekend it was.
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